Saturday, April 23, 2011



Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order : Artiodactyla
Family : Camelidae
Genus : Camelus
Zoological name : Camelus bactrianus
Found In : Kaziranga and Desert National Park in India

Indian Camel Physical appearance : Indian Camel is 6 feet long and weighs around 700 kg. It is 7 feet high from its hump. It tail is 50 cm long. It is characterized by long curved neck, large mouth and high hump. They are usually brown or black in colour. Camel's nasal passages are properly covered with the large muscular nostrils. Camels have thin, long and powerful legs. They have large eyes with long eyelashes and bushy eyebrows.but small ears. Indian camels have broad, flat and leathery pads with two toes on each foot with leathery patches on their knees.

Species : Camelus bactrianus, Camelus dromedarius, Camelus gigas, Camelus hesternus, Camelus sivalensis

Presence in India : India Camel is mostly found in the North Western part of India.They are also spotted in the Kaziranga and Desert National Park.

Habitat : Camels mostly prefer dry places.

Diet : Camels are herbivorous. They feed on grass, grains, wheat, oats, dried leaves, and seeds . As their humps contain fat, they can go without food for 3-4 days.

Reproduction : Camels reach the level of sexual maturity at 4-5 years of age. The gestation period lasts for 13 months after which the a single calf is born. The calves start walking within two hours of birth.

Conservation status : IUCN Red List of Threatened species.

Lifespan : Camel lives up to the 40 years of age.


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